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Super Braces of Southbridge Blog

Have a Valentine? Here Are 4 Tips for Kissing with Braces!

February 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 3:01 pm
Girl with red roses kissing date on the cheek

Pink hearts, red roses, and decadent chocolates around every corner… it must be Valentine’s Day! If you have someone special you’re celebrating with, you naturally don’t want to miss out on a romantic moment because of your braces. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about your braces making things awkward. Here are four must-know tips for kissing with braces.


Here’s What Your Rubber Band Colors Say About You

January 31, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 5:55 pm
Array of rubber band colors with braces

One of the best parts of traditional braces, aside from being a step closer to a gorgeous smile, of course, is getting to pick out new rubber band colors each month or so. Whether you choose a solid color or a fun pattern, the color of your braces says a lot about you. Keep reading to learn what the shade you pick communicates, some creative color combinations, and how to take care of your smile during orthodontic treatment!


Think You Can’t Get Cavities with Invisalign? Think Again!

January 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 3:49 pm
Closeup of woman wondering while checking her phone

Now that you have Invisalign, your days of cavities are long gone, right? After all, the aligners create a shield over your teeth. Unfortunately, this isn’t quite the case.

Although clear braces come with numerous benefits – from shorter average treatment timelines to no dietary restrictions – you can still get cavities during Invisalign. Keep reading to learn more about how tooth decay can impact your treatment and how to preserve your healthy, happy teeth.


Happy 2022! Here Are 4 Resolutions for Those with Braces

December 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 6:41 pm
Closeup of woman with braces smiling outside

And just like that… 2022 is upon us! Naturally, you may be using this fresh start to set some intentions. Usually, this includes goals like eating healthier, exercising more, and getting more sleep. But are any smile-related goals on your list? If you have braces, then you should seriously consider adding some. Here are four ideas for resolutions for braces to spark some inspiration.


Here’s How Often You Should Replace Your Retainer

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 4:16 pm
Woman smiling while holding up orthodontic retainer

Braces are widely known for their ability to address everything from slight crowding to severely spaced-out teeth. They can’t, however, keep your teeth perfectly straight once they are removed – that’s where retainers come in. This orthodontic appliance helps your teeth “set” in place and prevents them from shifting back into their previous positions. But how long do they last? Keep reading for the answer!


What You Can Expect When Having Your Braces Removed

November 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 2:25 am
Closeup before and after braces in Southbridge

It’s finally time! After months or maybe years of wearing braces, you’ve finally completed your treatment and it’s time to reveal your new smile. While you’re likely looking forward to having your braces removed, you may be feeling somewhat nervous as well wondering what the process will be like. Thankfully, you have nothing to worry about. Having your braces taken off is quick and comfortable, and then you’ll be ready to enjoy your beautifully straightened smile! Here is a quick rundown of what you can expect when having your braces removed.


Can My Child Get Braces If They Still Have Baby Teeth?

November 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 7:17 pm
Smiling boy with Phase 1 orthodontics

Nothing is more precious than your little one’s smile! However, these days, you’re beginning to think that they’re going to need braces one day. Since anywhere from 50-75% of children and teens end up getting orthodontic treatment, this may not come as a huge surprise to you. However, your child may be able to start their journey towards a straighter smile before all their permanent teeth come in, saving you quite a bit of time, money, and hassle! Read on as your Southbridge orthodontist breaks down Phase 1 orthodontics and how to tell if your child is a good candidate for it!


Having Trouble Brushing and Flossing with Braces? Read This!

October 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 4:21 pm
Closeup of woman with braces flossing

When you think about it, braces are fascinating. With the use of strategically placed brackets and wires, your orthodontist can guide your teeth into an entirely new position – in as little as 12 months, too! While they can effectively address everything from slight crowding to severe bite issues, there is one drawback: a more complex oral hygiene routine. To prevent any frustration, we are sharing everything you need to know about brushing and flossing with braces.


Trivia Time! 4 Interesting Facts About Braces

October 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 7:54 pm
Closeup of woman with dental braces smiling

With thousands of patients getting braces each year, there is no denying the popularity of traditional orthodontics. However, when you think about it, how much do you really know about this teeth-straightening treatment? To test your knowledge, keep reading for four fun facts about braces!


3 Ways Orthodontic Treatment Can Save You Money

September 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 3:17 pm
Girl with braces smiling while tucking hair behind her ear

Do overlapped, spaced-out, or otherwise misaligned teeth got you down? In most cases, the journey to the straighter smile you desire starts with braces. However, after looking at the price tag, you may be second-guessing if they are worth the investment. Fortunately, both metal brackets and discreet clear aligners can prevent you from spending thousands in the long run. Keep reading to learn exactly how orthodontic treatment saves you money.

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