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What to Expect When You’re Getting Your Braces Removed

April 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 7:13 pm
a patient having their braces removed

If you’re nearing the finish line of your orthodontic journey, you’re probably feeling pretty ecstatic to finally have your braces removed and reveal your brand-new smile to the world! However, you might have a few questions about what removing the metal brackets and wires looks like and what you can expect after having them removed. Here’s more from your orthodontist about this exciting final step in the braces process and what you can anticipate moving forward into life after braces!


A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use Your Invisalign Cleaning Crystals

February 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 3:12 pm
Invisalign aligners in case next to packets of cleaning crystals

With more than 12 million patients around the world, Invisalign is one of the most popular teeth-straightening solutions available. While this orthodontic treatment comes with several benefits – from shorter average treatment times to hassle-free oral hygiene – one of the biggest draws is the discreet appearance. But what happens if your aligners begin to yellow? Fortunately, that’s where the cleaning crystals come in. For a step-by-step guide on how to use your Invisalign cleaning crystals, read on!


4 Ways to Extend the Lifespan of Your Retainer

January 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 6:31 pm
Woman placing blue retainer over her teeth

Immediately after completing your orthodontic treatment, you’ll be handed a retainer. Initially, you might think it’s a bit of an annoyance. After all, why do you have to wear another appliance after months or years of brackets and wires or clear aligners? In short, braces are only designed to move your teeth into their perfectly aligned positions, not to keep them there indefinitely. So, it’s important that you wear your retainer consistently and take care of it properly. For four tips on how to accomplish the latter, keep reading!


Wondering What’s Considered an Orthodontic Emergency? Here’s the Answer!

December 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 7:24 pm
Woman with braces holding cheek due to irritation

From the dietary restrictions to the tweaks to your oral hygiene regimen, many of your orthodontist’s instructions are designed to help prevent an orthodontic emergency. If you do experience a toothache, poking wire, mouth sore, or something similar, then it’s natural to wonder if you should schedule an urgent appointment. To help, keep reading to learn five issues that can arise and how to know if immediate treatment is necessary.


The #1 Way to Prevent Orthodontic Relapse

November 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 9:50 pm
Smiling woman pointing to straight teeth

True or false: braces can straighten your teeth indefinitely? The answer is… false! While orthodontic treatment can guide your teeth into their perfectly aligned positions, it’s ultimately up to you to keep them there. Otherwise, they can begin to move back into their previous positions, which is referred to as “orthodontic relapse.” To learn how to prevent that from happening, keep reading!


Does Dental Insurance Cover Orthodontics? Find Out Here!

October 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 2:36 pm
Woman in jean jacket wondering

Unhappy with your smile due to crooked or gapped teeth? Don’t worry – braces can address even the most severe cases of misalignment. If you’re worried about the price, however, then you may be wondering if your dental insurance covers orthodontic treatment. To learn the answer, keep reading!


6 Braces-Friendly Halloween Candies

October 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 4:25 pm
Children in costumes holding up Halloween candy buckets

It’s true; sticky, hard, and crunchy items are a no-no with braces. Don’t worry though – that doesn’t mean you or your little one are in for a boring Halloween! After all, there are lots of treats that are delicious, festive, and won’t result in an orthodontic emergency. To learn six braces-friendly Halloween candies (as well as a few to avoid), keep reading.


Does Bad Posture Affect Bite Alignment?

September 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 2:42 pm
Woman slouching while working in office

If you had to guess, what do you think the average screen time is for Americans? The answer is a whopping 7 hours and 11 minutes. Even if you only do half of that, that’s a lot of time slouched in front of your work computer and looking down at your phone! Unfortunately, this can result in back pain, joint degeneration, and other serious consequences. But does bad posture affect your bite alignment as well? Keep reading for the answer.


Dental Wax: What It Is & Why It’s Helpful with Braces

August 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 7:18 pm
Closeup of dental wax in orange container

Did you recently begin orthodontic treatment? Congratulations – you’re a big step closer to the smile you’ve always wanted! In the meantime, you’ll probably get advice from your friends and family who had braces, like “make sure to ask your orthodontist for dental wax!” To learn what dental wax is and why it’s so helpful while you have braces, keep reading.


Have Braces? Then Add These 5 Essential Vitamins to Your Diet

July 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 6:09 pm
Patient enjoying vitamin-rich, braces-friendly salad

Getting braces comes with some changes to your lifestyle, oral hygiene routine, and diet. When it comes to the latter, patients often just chalk it up to avoiding sticky, hard, and crunchy foods. In reality, there’s a bit more to it! To keep your teeth happy and healthy, it’s essential that you incorporate the following vitamins into your diet.

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