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5 Ways You Can Ruin Your Invisalign Treatment

March 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 7:19 pm
Patient holding clear aligners in their hand

Since Invisalign bypasses the need for metal brackets, dietary restrictions, and other pesky annoyances, it’s not surprising that clear aligners are widely regarded as the hassle-free approach to straighter teeth. Of course, there are some guidelines you need to follow to prevent you from falling off-track with your plan. With this in mind, here are five habits to avoid during your Invisalign treatment!

#1. Using Hot Water to Rinse Your Aligners

To keep your trays as clean as possible, you should rinse them each time you take them out of your mouth and before you put them back in. Just make sure to use lukewarm or cold water. Using hot water can warp the aligners, rendering them practically useless.

#2. Placing Your Trays in a Napkin

When you’re out at a restaurant or enjoying a meal at a friend’s house, you may be tempted to discreetly wrap your trays in a napkin while you dine. Sadly, this is one of the most common reasons patients misplace their aligners! Instead, place them in their designated storage case before putting it in a safe place, like your purse. That way, they don’t get accidentally thrown away or lost altogether.

#3. Soaking Your Trays in Bleach to Clean Them

Powerful chemicals, like bleach, can do wonders when it comes to getting rid of stubborn stains. However, the toxins are not safe to ingest and can degrade the plastic in your aligners. If your trays have become stained or simply need a thorough cleaning, use the cleaning crystals provided by your orthodontist.

#4. Drinking Anything Other Than Water with Your Retainers

It is absolutely crucial that you remove your aligners anytime you eat or drink. The only exception is water. Remember, even drinking coffee with a straw can result in significant staining. Once the trays take on a yellow tint, they’ll no longer be clear and discreet.

#5. Skipping Your Check-in Appointments

Throughout your Invisalign treatment, you’ll be given several trays at a time. That doesn’t mean that you can skip your periodic check-in appointments though! These visits allow your orthodontist to make sure your teeth are “tracking” properly, monitor your progress, and make any necessary adjustments.

After investing in Invisalign, the last thing you want to do is ruin your treatment. Luckily, steering clear of the previously mentioned habits can help prevent that from happening!

About the Practice

Leading our team at Super Braces is Dr. Jamie Moon, a board-certified orthodontist. With our talented team at her side, she is proud to use her education, training, and talent to discreetly transform smiles with Invisalign. In fact, she even goes the extra mile to share all of her tips for a smooth and successful experience with clear aligners! If you have a question about Invisalign best practices or would like to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call (508) 909-6719.

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