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Here’s What Your Rubber Band Colors Say About You

January 31, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 5:55 pm
Array of rubber band colors with braces

One of the best parts of traditional braces, aside from being a step closer to a gorgeous smile, of course, is getting to pick out new rubber band colors each month or so. Whether you choose a solid color or a fun pattern, the color of your braces says a lot about you. Keep reading to learn what the shade you pick communicates, some creative color combinations, and how to take care of your smile during orthodontic treatment!

What Your Rubber Band Colors Say About You

When it comes time to pick the color of your rubber bands, you’ll have a wide range to choose from. Here are what some of the common ones say about you:

  • Red – Red is a bold color that is associated with action, forward-thinking, and love. It is also a color that is great for holidays like Valentine’s Day, the 4th of July, and Christmas.
  • Orange – The color of positivity and happiness, orange is a color that communicates contentment. While deeper shades are great for fall time, brighter shades are ideal for spring and summer.
  • Green – Balance, growth, and nature are a few things people associate with the color green. Unsure how to incorporate it? Add it to your braces around the holidays or go all out with completely green braces for St. Patrick’s Day.
  • Blue – Blue tones communicate a sense of calm. Adorning your braces with this popular color will flatter both your appearance and your mood.
  • Purple – Imagination, fun, and creativity are often associated with purple. Plus, if you usually opt for clear rubber bands, it’s a fun way to branch out since it’s still pretty neutral.
  • Pink – Both romantic and light, pink is a great color for all kinds of patients. Try deeper tones around Valentine’s Day and brighter tones around Easter.

A Year of Color: Color Combinations to Try in 2022

Want to have a little more fun with your braces this year? Here are some fun color combinations for each month:

  • January – Ombre orange to start off the year on a positive note.
  • February – Romantic colors, like red, pink, or both!
  • March – All green for St. Patrick’s Day.
  • April – Pastel shades of green, pink, blue, and purple.
  • May – Pick the favorite color of a special woman in your life for Mother’s Day.
  • June – Pick the favorite color of a special man in your life for Father’s Day.
  • July – Red, white, and blue.
  • August – You have a choice here: pick a bright color to hang onto the last little bits of summer or get started on fall early with a warm red.
  • September – One color on the top braces and a different color on the bottom, like purple and pink.
  • October – Go with all orange for everything fall is known for, including changing leaves and pumpkins.
  • November – Select a color that will match your Thanksgiving Day attire.
  • December – Go with the color of your favorite holiday, like green and red for Christmas or blue and silver for Hanukkah.

Choosing different colors of your rubber bands is a great way to make orthodontic treatment fun and personalized to you. Just remember, no matter what color you pick, take care of your braces (and your teeth) by brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist every six months for a dental checkup and cleaning. That way, you’ll have a healthy, happy smile at the end of your treatment!

About the Practice

Our team at Super Braces of Southbridge loves making orthodontic treatment fun. That’s why we take the time to get to know each of our patients and help them come up with ways to tailor their braces to them, like through fun color combinations! To get started on your teeth-straightening journey, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team via our website or by phone at (508) 909-6719.

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