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What You Can Expect When Having Your Braces Removed

November 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 2:25 am
Closeup before and after braces in Southbridge

It’s finally time! After months or maybe years of wearing braces, you’ve finally completed your treatment and it’s time to reveal your new smile. While you’re likely looking forward to having your braces removed, you may be feeling somewhat nervous as well wondering what the process will be like. Thankfully, you have nothing to worry about. Having your braces taken off is quick and comfortable, and then you’ll be ready to enjoy your beautifully straightened smile! Here is a quick rundown of what you can expect when having your braces removed.

Having Your Braces Removed

To be effective, traditional metal braces are specifically designed to stay firmly affixed to your teeth for a long time. Fortunately, they’re also designed to be removed by a professional quite easily! Your orthodontist will use a special tool to loosen the brackets’ grip on your teeth and then simply pop them off. Once the brackets and wires are out of your mouth, your teeth will be lightly buffed to remove any leftover adhesive that held your braces in place. Throughout this process, you may feel some strange sensations of pressure on your teeth, but there shouldn’t be any discomfort or pain. In a majority of cases, the process for removing braces takes about an hour.

Adjusting to Life Without Your Braces

Just like you had to adjust to wearing braces at first, you’ll need some time to adjust to no longer having brackets and wires in your mouth! Here are a few things you can expect:

  • Slightly swollen gums: It’s normal for the gums to be slightly swollen and even bleed a little for the first few days after having braces taken off. These symptoms are nothing to worry about and should go away on their own within a few days.
  • Somewhat sensitive teeth: Feeling your teeth without your braces will certainly be a new experience! In some cases, your teeth may feel somewhat sensitive to chewing, so ease your way gradually back into your “normal” diet.
  • Uneven tooth coloration: While you’re admiring your newly straightened smile, you may notice that your pearly whites aren’t as uniformly bright as you remember. This is common to experience after braces- regular brushing and flossing or a professional whitening treatment should help.

The Final Step of Your Orthodontic Treatment

Believe it or not, having your braces removed does not mark the end of your orthodontic treatment. There’s still one last step on your journey towards a new smile: wearing and caring for your retainer. Your retainer is essential for holding your teeth in their newly straightened position while your mouth continues to heal. At first, your orthodontist may instruct you to wear your retainer quite often, but over time they will likely recommend wearing it only 3-5 nights a week. If you want your results to last for many years to come, don’t skip this last step of your treatment!

If you’re about to have your braces removed, congratulations! All your hard work is about to pay off. Having your braces taken off is a quick and easy process that will allow you to enjoy your newly aligned smile!

About the Practice

When it comes to high-quality orthodontic services from a team who truly cares about their patients, there’s no better choice than Super Braces of Southbridge! Led by Dr. Jamie Moon, we are proud to deliver a wide range of orthodontic treatments specially designed for smiles of all ages. What’s more, we’ll be with you every step of the way to ensure your journey towards a new, healthier smile is as smooth as possible. If you have more questions about having your braces removed, don’t hesitate to reach out to us online or at (508) 755-2207.

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