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Can My Child Get Braces If They Still Have Baby Teeth?

November 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 7:17 pm
Smiling boy with Phase 1 orthodontics

Nothing is more precious than your little one’s smile! However, these days, you’re beginning to think that they’re going to need braces one day. Since anywhere from 50-75% of children and teens end up getting orthodontic treatment, this may not come as a huge surprise to you. However, your child may be able to start their journey towards a straighter smile before all their permanent teeth come in, saving you quite a bit of time, money, and hassle! Read on as your Southbridge orthodontist breaks down Phase 1 orthodontics and how to tell if your child is a good candidate for it!

Isn’t My Child Too Young for Braces?

Orthodontic treatment like braces is most commonly associated with the teenage years. However, planning to help your child achieve a straighter, healthier smile should start much earlier! The American Association of Orthodontists officially recommends that children visit an orthodontist for an orthodontic checkup by the age of seven.

This surprises many parents, since many children don’t even have all their permanent teeth by this age. During these early orthodontic checkups, your orthodontist will take a careful look at the development of your little one’s teeth, jaws, and other oral structures with X-rays. They’ll be able to spot warning signs of orthodontic issues as early as possible and make a plan for how to most effectively treat them.

What Is Phase 1 Orthodontics?

Depending on your orthodontist’s findings during your child’s checkup, they may recommend that your little one begin treatment sooner rather than later. This is called Phase 1 orthodontics, or pediatric orthodontics. This treatment is designed to take advantage of the fact that a child’s mouth, teeth, and jaws are still developing and are therefore easier to reposition. Depending on what your child needs, treatment can use several different types of appliances to help shift teeth into place, guide the jaws as they grow, maintain the proper shape of your child’s mouth, or curb persistent oral habits like thumb-sucking.

Is My Child a Candidate for Phase 1 Orthodontics?

Pediatric orthodontics are an early intervention treatment that can help children who could potentially develop complex, severe, or pronounced orthodontic issues in the future. The best way to tell if your child could benefit from Phase 1 orthodontics is to have them evaluated by an orthodontist. However, a few other signs to keep an eye out for include:

  • Teeth that overlap, stick out, or have large spaces between them
  • Aggressive thumb sucking or thumb sucking past the age of five
  • Difficulty chewing or regularly accidentally biting their cheeks or lips

Not only can Phase 1 orthodontics help your little one avoid dental problems in the future, but studies show that this early treatment can shorten any future orthodontic treatment needed as well! Most importantly, pediatric orthodontics could help ensure that your little one enjoys a healthy, functional, and attractive smile during their most formative years.

About the Practice

At Super Braces of Southbridge, we’re committed to providing personalized, high-quality orthodontic care for smiles of all ages. From adult braces to pediatric orthodontics, Dr. Jamie Moon and her team have the training, tools, and experience needed to ensure you or your child achieves the happy, healthy, and beautiful smile you deserve! If you’re interested in learning more about Phase 1 orthodontics or discovering if they could help your little one, we invite you to reach out to us online or at (508) 909-6719.

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