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What Is Dental Wax & Why Is It Used with Braces?

July 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 3:24 pm
Closeup of orthodontic dental wax for braces

If you’ve ever walked down the oral healthcare aisle at your local grocery store or pharmacy, you’ve probably seen something called dental wax for sale. Or, if you’ve just started braces, your orthodontist may have given you a case of orthodontic wax. If you are unfamiliar with day-to-day life with braces, you may be confused at the idea of putting wax in your mouth! While it may seem strange at first, this material can make all the difference when it comes to making wearing braces more comfortable. Read on as we go over everything you need to know about dental wax and how you can use it during your orthodontic treatment!

Dental Wax: What Is It?

Thankfully, dental and orthodontic wax is nothing like earwax or candlewax! Instead, this material has been specifically designed to be smooth, tasteless, and odorless. It’s pliable enough to be molded onto things like braces brackets and strong enough to stay there for some time. Dental wax is typically made of biocompatible materials like carnauba, paraffin wax and beeswax. While it’s not recommended to intentionally eat or swallow orthodontic wax, it won’t cause any negative side effects if you do ingest small amounts of it occasionally.

How to Use Dental Wax with Braces

This special wax is typically used with braces to help with comfort. Braces brackets can sometimes have rough or sharp edges, which can cause irritation in your mouth as they rub against the inside of your cheeks and lips. Over a short adjustment period, these tissues will become tougher and won’t be bothered by braces anymore. However, in the meantime, dental wax can help make this process more comfortable by covering the abrasive areas as your tissues heal.

To use it, wash your hands and pinch off a small bit of wax. Then, roll it into a small ball, about the size of a pea or smaller. You can then smooth the ball of wax over the part of your braces that’s causing irritation. This way, your cheeks and lips can heal without any further scratches. You can keep in it place for as long as you want, even while eating, drinking, and sleeping. It should be replaced while brushing and flossing or if it falls off on its own, and the same piece of wax shouldn’t be used for more than two days.

What to Do If Dental Wax Isn’t Enough

While many patients find dental wax an essential tool for making their orthodontic treatment more comfortable, it may not be able to address all the soreness that you encounter with braces. For additional relief, try:

  • Taking over-the-counter pain relivers as directed
  • Applying a cold compress or ice pack to the outside of your mouth
  • Eating or drinking cold foods and drinks
  • Rinsing your mouth out with warm saltwater
  • Talking to your dentist if the discomfort doesn’t go away or seems to get worse

Thankfully, any soreness you experience with braces should be mild and fleeting, and the end results will be well-worth the effort! In the meantime, dental wax can go a long way in making your journey towards a straighter smile as smooth as possible.

About the Practice

At Super Braces of Southbridge, we are committed to helping our patients achieve a happy, healthy, and beautiful smile in the most pleasant way possible! That’s why our talented team offers a variety of the latest treatments to meet the different needs and preferences of our patients. Plus, we’ll be with you every step of the way to make sure your orthodontic treatment is as pleasant and effective as possible! To learn more about traditional braces, we can be contacted online or at (508) 909-6719.

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