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Lost Your Clear Aligners? Here’s What to Do Next

June 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 12:57 pm
Patient holding clear aligners

Straightening your teeth with Invisalign comes with a number of amazing benefits, including virtually undetectable trays. In fact, their practically invisible design may be one of your favorite parts… until they go missing. Since you have to wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day, the clock starts ticking the moment you look down and realize they aren’t where they’re supposed to be. However, don’t panic! Instead, take a deep breath and read on to learn what to do if you lose your clear aligners.

So, What Should I Do If I Lose My Aligners?

When you first notice your aligners are missing, you may feel your heart sink into your stomach. But don’t panic! After all, a frazzled mind won’t help you find them any quicker. Instead, calmly retrace your steps, paying special attention to crevices they could’ve fallen into. Once you confirm they are missing, call your dental team right away. Depending on where you are in your treatment plan, you may be able to use a previous set or move onto your next trays. However, you should only do so if specifically instructed to by your orthodontist!

The Importance of Wearing Your Aligners

Whether you just started Invisalign or are rapidly approaching the end of your treatment, it is of the utmost importance that you wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day. Neglecting to do so can negatively impact your treatment timeline, requiring more time and money spent on Invisalign. That’s why you should get in the habit of only removing them when you’re completing your oral hygiene routine, eating, or drinking anything other than water. If you lose your trays, don’t attempt to keep it a secret from your orthodontist either. The sooner you notify them, the sooner they can get you a replacement.

3 Tips to Avoid Losing Your Aligners in the Future

Losing your aligners can be anxiety-inducing. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to prevent that from happening:

  • Don’t take them out of your mouth unless absolutely necessary.
  • Have a designated place to store them when they aren’t in your mouth.
  • Don’t place them on a lunch tray or wrap them in a napkin/tissue.

Removable aligners are a huge benefit, until they are accidentally misplaced. Luckily, you can avoid this stressful situation with the above tips. If they do go missing, priority number one is to get in touch with your orthodontist right away!

About the Author

For more than a decade now, Dr. Jamie Moon has spent her days helping patients leave crooked, crowded, and misaligned teeth in the past. She completed her dental doctorate at the Columbia University School of Dental Medicine before undergoing a post-graduate program and earning her board-certification from the American Board of Orthodontics! If you lose one of your aligners or have a question about Invisalign, don’t hesitate to get in touch through our website or by phone at 508-909-6719.

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