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What to Expect When You’re Getting Your Braces Removed

April 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 7:13 pm
a patient having their braces removed

If you’re nearing the finish line of your orthodontic journey, you’re probably feeling pretty ecstatic to finally have your braces removed and reveal your brand-new smile to the world! However, you might have a few questions about what removing the metal brackets and wires looks like and what you can expect after having them removed. Here’s more from your orthodontist about this exciting final step in the braces process and what you can anticipate moving forward into life after braces!

What’s The Process for Braces Removal Look Like?

Though it might not seem like the case, braces are actually quite easy to remove! Your orthodontist will use a special instrument that’s made specifically for locating the weak spots on your braces; they’ll gently pop the brackets from the teeth with ease, and once all of the hardware has been removed, they’ll buff off any remaining adhesive.

This process is generally very quick and completely pain-free, though some patients report feeling slight pressure as the brackets are being removed. Once they’re off, your orthodontist will need to check for a few more things before sending you on your way. They’ll want to take final measurements, photos, and probably a few X-rays for their records. They’ll also need to design your retainer and provide you with specific aftercare guidelines and instructions. Finally, they will also want to polish your teeth so that you’re sent out into the world with a noticeably dazzling smile!

What Can I Expect Once My Braces Are Off?

Sometimes patients must endure slightly swollen gums once their braces have come off, but this isn’t anything to worry about and most discomfort fully disappears within 48 hours. It’s also normal for some light bleeding to occur while brushing, but this is not a reason to avoid brushing! The habit helps to reduce some of the inflammation you’re experiencing. Tooth sensitivity might also occur, as your teeth are becoming accustomed to not wearing braces.

It’s also worth noting that once your braces are off, you aren’t necessarily finished with treatment just yet. You’ll be provided with a retainer to prevent orthodontic relapse, which is when the teeth begin to revert to their original, incorrect positions. To prevent this, it’s imperative that you wear your retainer as instructed!

The process for removing braces is fairly straightforward—and though it can sometimes be a little uncomfortable, it shouldn’t hurt at all. In any case, knowing what to expect throughout the process and knowing how to take care of your new smile moving forward is in your best interest!

About the Practice

Here at Super Braces of Southbridge, we’re thrilled to provide a comprehensive range of orthodontic solutions for patients and families in the Southbridge, MA community! Dr. Triny Gutierrez has spent several years honing his craft, and he’d be happy to help you or your loved one achieve an optimal and healthy smile. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to set up a visit, you can contact our practice online or over the phone for further assistance: (508) 500-6649.

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