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5 Vitamins That Will Keep Your Teeth Healthy with Braces

May 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 3:44 pm
Heart shaped dishes with healthy foods for braces

You already know that eating too many sugary, unhealthy foods can leave you with a mouth full of cavities. However, did you know that eating certain foods can make your teeth healthier? In fact, there are several key vitamins that are particularly important for the wellbeing of your pearly whites if you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. Eating the right foods can help make your treatment go faster, keep your teeth strong, and encourages longer-lasting results. If you wear braces or clear aligners, make sure to get plenty of these five vitamins!

1.) Calcium

As your teeth are gently pushed into alignment, the jawbone breaks down around their roots and reforms around them. Calcium is an important nutrient for strong, healthy bones, including your jawbone! Give your smile the support it needs during orthodontic treatment by eating plenty of:

  • Cheese, yogurt, and milk
  • Kale and other leafy greens
  • Almonds, beans, and salmon

2.) Iron

Iron is a natural nutrient that can be found in many of the foods you eat all day. It helps your body in a variety of ways, including preventing mouth sores and minimizing inflammation in your oral tissues. Both of these issues can occur frequently during orthodontic treatment, so be sure to eat plenty of:

  • Broccoli and spinach
  • Lentils and soybeans
  • Bran cereals

3.) Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps maintain healthy mucous membranes and it promotes saliva production. These can both help prevent cavities and protect your mouth from dangerous particles. This helpful nutrient can be found in:

  • Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables
  • Melons and sweet potatoes
  • Eggs and skim milk

4.) Vitamin C

Vitamin C is well-known for it’s potential to boost your immune system. It helps prevents infections all throughout the body, including in your mouth and gum tissue. A diet with lots of vitamin C can go a long way in lowering your risk of gum disease, which is a dangerous but common condition that can dramatically impact your oral health. Many foods contain vitamin C, such as:

  • Green and red bell peppers
  • Oranges, lemons, pineapples, and cantaloupe
  • Brussel sprouts and broccoli

5.) Vitamin D

You can get a dose of vitamin D just by going outside on a sunny day! This vitamin helps your body absorb calcium and other important nutrients, which helps them become even more effective in keeping your smile healthy! Vitamin D can also be found in:

  • Fish
  • Egg yolks
  • Yogurt and cheese

Your daily diet is important for the health of your smile, especially during orthodontic treatment. Make sure you’re getting plenty of the above vitamins and minerals to keep your teeth strong and healthy during your treatment as well as afterwards!

About the Practice

At Super Braces of Southbridge, we aim to be your one-stop shop for a straighter smile. Our experienced orthodontists are proud to offer a variety of treatments that can be customized based on your unique needs and goals. Whether you’re interested in traditional braces, Invisalign, or one of our many other services, we’ll be with you every step of the way to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. If you’d like to learn more, we can be contacted online or at (508) 909-6719.

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