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Why Swollen Gums Are Common with Braces (& What You Can Do!)

June 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 12:22 pm
Patient smiling while pointing to braces

To achieve the smile of your dreams, there are some short-term (and minor) adjustments you need to make with braces, like avoiding hard, crunchy, and chewy foods that can increase your risk of experiencing an orthodontic emergency. Of course, no matter how much research you do before beginning treatment, it’s normal to run into some surprises, like swollen gums. Don’t worry – this is a very common symptom. To learn more about the causes and what you can do to keep your oral health in pristine condition, read on!

4 Common Causes of Swollen Gums with Braces

More often than not, the culprit of swollen gums is one of the following:

  • Movement of teeth – As your teeth are guided into their properly aligned positions, some slight inflammation may arise.
  • Poor dental hygiene – Brushing (and flossing!) is extremely important, especially when you have braces. If you don’t, food particles and other debris can get caught between your brackets. This can result in an infection and, in turn, lead to swelling.
  • Certain health conditions – Diabetes and obesity are two examples of conditions that leave patients vulnerable to inflamed gums, particularly during orthodontic treatment.
  • Gingival hyperplasia – Although rare, it is possible that the irritation is a result of an overgrowth of gum tissue.

Why Healthy Gums Are So Important

Swollen gums are often tender and sensitive, causing patients to seek out treatment. If they aren’t causing you any discomfort, however, you may be considering putting off scheduling an appointment with your dentist. Before you do, it’s important to note that inflamed gums can quickly lead to gum disease, a serious oral health condition that roughly 50% of American adults are struggling with. If left untreated, the infection can wreak havoc on the connective tissues that help hold your teeth in place as well as your jawbone. While at first the symptoms may be minor, it can result in tooth loss with enough time. That’s why it’s of the utmost importance that you prioritize your gum health before, during, and after your orthodontic treatment.

How To: Keep Your Gums Healthy with Braces

The good news is that there are several best practices you can implement to help keep your gums in tip-top shape, such as:

  • Consistently flossing at least once a day
  • Rinsing with a mixture of salt and warm water throughout your day
  • Taking OTC pain relievers (anti-inflammatory ones) as directed
  • Avoiding crunchy, sticky, and hard foods
  • Using mouthwash to rinse your mouth each evening

These at-home remedies should keep your gum inflammation at a minimum. If the inflammation is causing you discomfort or is getting worse, then get in touch with your orthodontist. From there, they can conduct an exam, determine the root of the problem, and restore your healthy gums.

About the Practice

For Dr. Jamie Moon, transforming smiles isn’t just what she does every day; it’s her passion! She loves helping our patients at Super Braces of Southbridge have a comfortable, efficient, and seamless experience with braces through personalized treatment plans and patient education. If you have a question about life with braces or would like to schedule an appointment to see if you are a candidate for orthodontic treatment, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team via our website or by phone at (508) 909-6719.

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