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4 Ways to Extend the Lifespan of Your Retainer

January 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 6:31 pm
Woman placing blue retainer over her teeth

Immediately after completing your orthodontic treatment, you’ll be handed a retainer. Initially, you might think it’s a bit of an annoyance. After all, why do you have to wear another appliance after months or years of brackets and wires or clear aligners? In short, braces are only designed to move your teeth into their perfectly aligned positions, not to keep them there indefinitely. So, it’s important that you wear your retainer consistently and take care of it properly. For four tips on how to accomplish the latter, keep reading!

First, How Long Do Retainers Usually Last?

Typically, retainers last anywhere from five to seven years. Of course, they may need to be replaced much sooner if you adopt unhealthy habits, like wrapping them in a napkin while you eat instead of placing them in their designated storage case. Don’t worry – taking care of them properly only requires a few additional steps!

4 Ways to Extend the Lifespan of Your Retainer

Chips, cracks, and calcium build-up are a few things you want to avoid. To keep your retainer in pristine condition for as long as possible, make sure to:

  • Remove your retainer before completing your oral hygiene routine or eating
  • Put your retainer in its designated storage case, not in a napkin or on your plate
  • Clean your retainer each morning and evening with water and a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Never use bleach or any other harsh chemicals to clean your retainer

How Often Do You Have to Wear Your Retainer?

Of course, your exact wear time will be determined by your orthodontist. While wearing it as often as possible is ideal, most patients want to work toward using it only at night. Even then, this should be a lifelong best practice in order to avoid orthodontic relapse. This might seem a bit inconvenient, but it’s better than the alternative!

What To Do If You Do Need a New Retainer

Fortunately, getting a new retainer is as easy as scheduling an appointment with your orthodontist! After taking impressions of your teeth, they will be able to create a new, custom-made one that’s designed to prevent your teeth from moving out of place.

Since wearing your retainer should be a lifelong habit, you naturally don’t want to have to replace yours every two or three years. The good news is that you can prolong the lifespan of yours by simply caring for it properly!

About the Practice

Super Braces of Southbridge is comprised of a talented team of dental professionals who are passionate about creating healthy bites and gorgeous smiles. In addition to offering several teeth-straightening solutions, including Invisalign, and self-ligating braces, we offer orthodontic appliances, like retainers, as well. If you have a question about how to care for your retainer or you need a new one, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via our website or by phone at (508) 909-6719.

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