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Wondering What’s Considered an Orthodontic Emergency? Here’s the Answer!

December 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 7:24 pm
Woman with braces holding cheek due to irritation

From the dietary restrictions to the tweaks to your oral hygiene regimen, many of your orthodontist’s instructions are designed to help prevent an orthodontic emergency. If you do experience a toothache, poking wire, mouth sore, or something similar, then it’s natural to wonder if you should schedule an urgent appointment. To help, keep reading to learn five issues that can arise and how to know if immediate treatment is necessary.


Immediately following your adjustments or the transition to a new aligner, it’s normal to experience some soreness. However, if the sensation persists or becomes worse, then it’s crucial that you get in touch with your orthodontist right away, especially if you also have:

  • A small bump on your gums
  • Intense pain
  • A discolored tooth

Loose Bracket

It’s natural to feel a bit panicked if one of your brackets becomes loose. Instead, take a deep breath and call your orthodontist’s office. Until your appointment, you can place some dental wax or sugarless gum over it to prevent irritation to your lips, tongue, gums, and the insides of your cheeks. It’s also a good idea to avoid eating, biting, or chewing anything in the meantime.

Broken or Poking Wire

Broken wires can be quite uncomfortable since they can irritate the soft tissue in your mouth, making chewing, speaking, and even sleeping near impossible. Fortunately, you can use the same dental wax (or sugarless gum) trick by applying it over the sharp edge. Note: don’t forcibly remove the wire. If it’s loose and falling out, then keep it safe and bring it with you to your appointment.

Mouth Sores

Mouth sores are common, especially at the beginning of your treatment. While they can be annoying, they aren’t technically an orthodontic emergency. The best thing to do to expedite the healing process is:

  • Keep your mouth clean (rinsing with salt and warm water can help!)
  • Avoid acidic, spicy, and crunchy foods
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Place dental wax over the nearby brackets and wires to prevent further irritation

Soft Tissue Cuts

Soft tissue cuts do require medical attention if you cannot get the bleeding under control. If it’s not coagulating, then call 911 or head to your nearest ER right away. After you get the treatment you need, you can call your orthodontist and schedule a time for you to come in and get your braces repaired.

Hopefully, you’ll go through your entire orthodontic treatment without experiencing a broken bracket, loose wire, or another emergency. If you do, then the best thing to do is get in touch with your orthodontist right away so they can fix your braces and get you back on track with your treatment plan!

About the Author

Originally from Florida, Dr. Triny Gutierrez attended Emory University before earning his dental doctorate at the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine. The next step was to pursue a three-year orthodontic specialty training at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ever since, he has been helping patients achieve healthy, functional, and beautiful smiles. If you want to learn more about how to prevent an orthodontic emergency or you’d like to schedule an urgent appointment with our team, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call (508) 909-6719.

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