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Have Braces? Then Add These 5 Essential Vitamins to Your Diet

July 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 6:09 pm
Patient enjoying vitamin-rich, braces-friendly salad

Getting braces comes with some changes to your lifestyle, oral hygiene routine, and diet. When it comes to the latter, patients often just chalk it up to avoiding sticky, hard, and crunchy foods. In reality, there’s a bit more to it! To keep your teeth happy and healthy, it’s essential that you incorporate the following vitamins into your diet.


10 Braces-Friendly Meals & Snacks

July 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 5:38 pm
Aerial view of braces-friendly foods in containers

When you get braces, your days of biting into whole apples, snacking on popcorn, and chewing on gum are temporarily on hold. Don’t worry though – there are countless braces-friendly foods that are delicious and nutritious. As a result, you can eat a well-balanced diet that never gets boring! To learn some meal and snack ideas (and why it’s essential to stay away from hard, crunchy, and sticky foods) read on.
