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Then & Now: The History of Braces

May 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 6:48 pm
Woman with glasses and braces pointing

Have you ever looked at your teeth in the mirror and wished they were straighter? You’re not alone. In fact, the desire to correct crooked and gapped teeth goes back to ancient times! To learn all about the history of braces, read on.

The Beginning of Braces

Did you know that archaeological findings have found mummified skeletons with metal pieces on their teeth? So, it’s evident that the desire for straighter teeth isn’t new. Fortunately, braces have come a long way since then – animal skin was often used in orthodontics at the time!

The First Documentation

In ancient Rome, teeth-straightening methods were quite archaic. At the time, Aulus Cornelius Celsus attempted to straighten his teeth by using his hands to apply pressure. His documentation reports success, but backing his findings is difficult now.

The Official Invention of Braces

Pierre Fauchard is largely recognized as the inventor of braces. In 1728, he wrote a book called “The Surgeon Dentist” where he discussed his methods of using a mouthguard-like device to keep teeth properly aligned. He later expanded on his studies and found that wisdom teeth could be removed to prevent overcrowding!

When Braces Became “Famous”

Between the 1700s and 1900s, there were several advancements in orthodontics, including the invention of the rubber dental dam and the incorporation of X-rays. In the early 1900s, the term “braces” became well-known, but the treatment was still expensive. After all, ivory, copper, and gold were still the most popular materials being used.

Braces Today

Fortunately, braces have come a long way since the use of animal skin and pressure from one’s own hands. In fact, thanks to innovations in technology and the world of dentistry, they’ve advanced significantly in the last couple decades alone. In addition to being less painful and more comfortable, treatments are significantly more affordable. Plus, patients today can choose from more discreet solutions, like Invisalign. As a result, you can achieve the straight teeth and beautiful smile you’ve been dreaming of without the metal!

Braces Tomorrow

The field of orthodontics has made impressive leaps forward in the past couple of years, and it shows no signs of slowing down. As time goes on, patients will likely have even more treatment options to choose from, ensuring braces will continue to fit more and more seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Now you know a bit more about the evolution of braces and the advancements that have been made in the past few decades alone. If you want to learn more about the innovative teeth-straightening technology used today, then get in touch with your orthodontist!

About the Practice

Our highly trained and friendly team at Super Braces are here to make your smile goals a reality. To do so, we utilize modern technology and offer a wide range of treatment options, including self-ligating braces and Invisalign. If you have a question about braces or you’d like to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call (508) 909-6719.

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