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Your Questions About Sports & Orthodontics, Answered!

April 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 9:23 pm
Woman with basketball for sports and orthodontics

Are you excited to start Invisalign? Is your child or teenager getting braces soon? Getting a straighter smile is certainly something to look forward to, but it’s natural to have some questions about how treatment will influence your daily life. For instance, will you need to change how you play your favorite sport, or give it up altogether? Fortunately, there’s a good chance you or your child can continue to enjoy all your favorite extracurricular activities on your journey towards a straighter set of pearly whites. Read on as we cover some important questions about sports and orthodontics.


4 Reasons to Invest Your Tax Refund in Braces

April 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 5:33 pm
Woman reacting excitedly to tax refund

Tax Day has officially come and gone, which means your tax refund should be on its way to you! Already, your mind might be spinning with ideas of what to do with this “free” money. Shopping spree? Weekend getaway? Home improvement project? Actually, one of the best ways to invest it is in braces. To learn why, read on.
