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Here’s How to Manage & Prevent Oral Sores With Braces

March 31, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 3:39 pm
Closeup of woman struggling with gum irritation

When it comes to correcting orthodontic issues – from misaligned teeth to uneven bites – traditional braces are one of the most reliable and effective treatment options. However, the edges of the brackets and wires can rub up against the soft tissue in your mouth, resulting in unpleasant irritation. The good news is that you don’t have to just deal with mouth sores with braces – you can easily manage and prevent them. Here’s how!

How To: Prevent Mouth Sores

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to prevent mouth sores entirely. The first is to keep your mouth extremely clean. To do so, brush for two full minutes after each meal, floss daily, and rinse with mouthwash regularly. Another important best practice is drinking plenty of water. Not only will this keep you hydrated, but it will also help prevent dry mouth. Lastly, apply dental wax over any sharp edges of your braces. A little bit goes a long way. All you have to do is pinch off a small piece, roll it into a ball, and carefully place it over the protruding bracket or wire.

How To: Manage Mouth Sores

If a mouth sore has already developed, don’t worry – that doesn’t mean you have to just deal with the irritation. Priority number one is keeping the area clean. To create a natural disinfectant at home, combine a mixture of salt and warm water. Rinse it around in your mouth for 15 seconds before spitting it out. It may sting a bit, but it’s essential to killing the harmful bacteria. You should also avoid spicy, acidic, and sugary foods that can exacerbate the issue. Finally, take an OTC pain reliever as directed to ease any discomfort you’re experiencing.

5 Additional Best Practices with Braces

Now that you know a little bit more about managing and preventing mouth sores with braces, it’s time to cover a few additional best practices you should implement to prevent soft tissue injuries:

  • Wear a mouthguard when you play sports.
  • Practice stress-relieving activities, like deep breathing and meditation.
  • Keep your mouth clean by implementing a solid oral hygiene routine.
  • Avoid unhealthy dental habits, like chewing on pen caps.
  • Stick to your dietary restrictions.

Mouth sores with braces can be quite irritating. Fortunately, you can avoid them entirely or make the experience much more comfortable with the right best practices in place!

About the Practice

At Super Braces, “super” isn’t just in our name; it’s built into our culture. Our team is united behind our mission to provide super convenience, super quality, super value, and super comfort throughout each and every treatment. So, you can rest assured that you will achieve the smile of your dreams and enjoy your journey to it! If you have a question about life with braces or would like to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call (508) 909-6719.

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