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Have a Valentine? Here Are 4 Tips for Kissing with Braces!

February 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 3:01 pm
Girl with red roses kissing date on the cheek

Pink hearts, red roses, and decadent chocolates around every corner… it must be Valentine’s Day! If you have someone special you’re celebrating with, you naturally don’t want to miss out on a romantic moment because of your braces. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about your braces making things awkward. Here are four must-know tips for kissing with braces.

Tip #1: Use Dental Wax

The metal brackets and wires both play an essential role in helping you achieve your smile goals, but that doesn’t mean the sharp edges can’t be annoying at times. To protect your teeth and gums (as well as your partner’s!) from injury, use dental wax. All you need to do is grab a small piece with clean hands and carefully place it over any protruding brackets or wires.

Tip #2: Brush and Floss Your Teeth Beforehand

According to 80% of those surveyed, one of the sexiest qualities a partner can have is good oral health. That’s not too surprising considering the last thing you want to happen is lean in for a kiss and immediately be repulsed by the person’s breath. Since food particles and debris can easily get trapped between the brackets and wires of traditional braces, it’s a good idea to brush and floss thoroughly before your date.

Tip #3: Stay Away from Pungent Foods That Linger

Whether you’re going out to a beloved restaurant or cooking a fancy meal at home, if your Valentine’s Day plans involve food, it’s best to stay away from pungent flavors. Although delicious, ingredients like garlic and onions can linger, making your breath less than pleasant. Make sure to also bring a mint or two to refresh your breath after your meal!

Tip #4: Take It Slow

Remember, even if you are used to your braces, your partner may not be! For this reason, it’s important to take it slow and be gentle. You should also be mindful of your brackets and wires, avoiding accidentally bumping your braces against their teeth. At the beginning, it’s probably best to stick to closed-lip kisses to avoid any damage to your partner’s lips.

Valentine’s Day is a holiday that naturally involves some romance. Don’t worry – your braces won’t stop you from showering your partner with love and affection. Just make sure to keep the above tips in mind!

About the Practice

With talented, experienced, and compassionate orthodontist, Dr. Jamie Moon, leading Super Braces, our team is here to make your experience with braces as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Whether you’re struggling with misaligned teeth or an uneven bite, we can find the orthodontic solution that will transform your smile for the better, boosting your confidence in the process. If you have any questions about life with braces or are ready to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via our website or by phone at (508) 909-6719.

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