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Think You Can’t Get Cavities with Invisalign? Think Again!

January 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 3:49 pm
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Now that you have Invisalign, your days of cavities are long gone, right? After all, the aligners create a shield over your teeth. Unfortunately, this isn’t quite the case.

Although clear braces come with numerous benefits – from shorter average treatment timelines to no dietary restrictions – you can still get cavities during Invisalign. Keep reading to learn more about how tooth decay can impact your treatment and how to preserve your healthy, happy teeth.

A Quick Look at Cavities & Clear Aligners

It’s true; clear aligners do create a barrier over your teeth. However, it’s also essential to remember that they are removable. Even more importantly, you won’t be eating or drinking anything (with the exception of water) with them in. Therefore, it’s still possible to develop tooth decay, especially if you aren’t diligent about caring for your teeth and your trays properly.

Will Getting a Cavity Impact My Treatment?

In short, the answer is yes. A tooth that is compromised by decay needs to be treated immediately. Otherwise, the damage will grow, potentially spreading to surrounding teeth and tissue. Once the tooth is treated, you may need to get re-scanned for your aligners to fit properly around the filling or crown. Although the process of restoring a tooth is relatively quick, it’s easy to see how it can pause your progress, delaying your treatment plan as a whole.

How to Keep Your Teeth Decay-Free with Braces

Fortunately, cavities are largely preventable. So, with the right best practices in place, you can keep your teeth decay-free for your entire Invisalign treatment (and well after). With this in mind, make sure to:

  • Brush your teeth after each meal.
  • Floss and rinse with mouthwash daily.
  • Rinse your aligners with water frequently.
  • Clean your trays with a soft-bristled toothbrush daily.
  • Soak your trays in a dentist-recommended cleaner at least once a week.
  • Visit your dentist every six months for a dental checkup and cleaning.
  • Limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks, like candy and soda.
  • Quit unhealthy dental habits, like smoking.

While it is possible to get cavities with Invisalign, a proactive approach to caring for your teeth will significantly reduce your chances of developing one during your treatment. If you think you do have a cavity, then don’t attempt to keep it a secret – get in touch with your dentist right away. That way, you get back on track with your treatment plan as soon as possible!

About the Practice

With values like super convenience, super comfort, super quality, and super value, it’s not hard to see why patients turn to us for their smile-related goals! Our team at Super Braces of Southbridge is proud to help patients with a wide range of teeth-straightening treatments, from pediatric orthodontics and traditional braces to Invisalign. If you want to learn more about how to keep your teeth decay-free throughout treatment or are ready to start Invisalign, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us via our website or by phone at (508) 909-6719.

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