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Here’s What Your Rubber Band Colors Say About You

January 31, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 5:55 pm
Array of rubber band colors with braces

One of the best parts of traditional braces, aside from being a step closer to a gorgeous smile, of course, is getting to pick out new rubber band colors each month or so. Whether you choose a solid color or a fun pattern, the color of your braces says a lot about you. Keep reading to learn what the shade you pick communicates, some creative color combinations, and how to take care of your smile during orthodontic treatment!


Think You Can’t Get Cavities with Invisalign? Think Again!

January 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 3:49 pm
Closeup of woman wondering while checking her phone

Now that you have Invisalign, your days of cavities are long gone, right? After all, the aligners create a shield over your teeth. Unfortunately, this isn’t quite the case.

Although clear braces come with numerous benefits – from shorter average treatment timelines to no dietary restrictions – you can still get cavities during Invisalign. Keep reading to learn more about how tooth decay can impact your treatment and how to preserve your healthy, happy teeth.
