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Here’s How Often You Should Replace Your Retainer

December 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 4:16 pm
Woman smiling while holding up orthodontic retainer

Braces are widely known for their ability to address everything from slight crowding to severely spaced-out teeth. They can’t, however, keep your teeth perfectly straight once they are removed – that’s where retainers come in. This orthodontic appliance helps your teeth “set” in place and prevents them from shifting back into their previous positions. But how long do they last? Keep reading for the answer!

3 Signs You Should Get Your Retainer Replaced

Retainers are custom-made from high-quality materials, making them extremely durable. However, they aren’t meant to last a lifetime. In many cases, they need to be replaced every three years or so. A few signs to look out for include:

  • Small cracks – Daily, you should examine your retainer to ensure there aren’t any chips or cracks. Even small flaws in the surface can compromise the integrity of the appliance.
  • Loose fit – If your retainer doesn’t fit properly, then it’s time to order a replacement. (Note: if it feels tight, then it’s likely due to not wearing it enough. However, you should never force it over your teeth. If it no longer fits at all, then talk to your orthodontist).
  • Calcium buildup – Even with the best care, your retainer can begin to accumulate calcium. Once this occurs, it’s time to talk to your orthodontist about getting a replacement.

The Importance of Replacing Your Retainer

Remember, braces are an investment in your smile, and retainers help protect your time and money. If they are compromised in any way – whether it’s from a small chip or excessive calcium buildup – order a replacement right away. Every day you don’t wear your retainer increases your chances of orthodontic relapse.

How To: Care for Your Retainer Properly

Caring for your retainers is essential not only for your oral health but also for their lifespan. Here are a few essential best practices to implement throughout the years:

  • Always remove your retainer before eating or drinking (with the exception of water).
  • Don’t use hot water to rinse your retainer.
  • Clean it frequently with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Don’t use any household cleaners, like bleach, to disinfect it.
  • Store your retainer in a protective case when not in use.
  • Keep your retainer in one designated place to avoid losing it.

Your retainer may be small, but it plays a massive role in preventing orthodontic relapse. For this reason, it’s important to care for it properly and get it replaced as often as needed!

About the Practice

Super Braces of Southbridge isn’t just about super braces – we’re about super convenience, comfort, quality, and value! We want you to enjoy a healthy, straight, and beautiful smile for life, which is why we prioritize the use of retainers. With these orthodontic appliances and our phenomenal team at your side, we can prevent gaps and crowding from occurring once more. If it’s time to replace yours, you want to start orthodontic treatment, or you simply have a question, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call 508-909-6719.

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