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Happy 2022! Here Are 4 Resolutions for Those with Braces

December 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 6:41 pm
Closeup of woman with braces smiling outside

And just like that… 2022 is upon us! Naturally, you may be using this fresh start to set some intentions. Usually, this includes goals like eating healthier, exercising more, and getting more sleep. But are any smile-related goals on your list? If you have braces, then you should seriously consider adding some. Here are four ideas for resolutions for braces to spark some inspiration.

#1. Pass on Sticky, Hard, and Sugary Foods

One of the worst ways to start off the new year is with a cavity or orthodontic emergency. After all, now is the time for going after your goals, not sitting in the treatment chair! To help keep your teeth strong and your braces intact, avoid sticky, hard, and sugary foods, especially the ones on your dietary restrictions list from your orthodontist. Caramel apples, peanut brittle, and popcorn may taste delicious, but they can wreak havoc on your smile in little-to-no time.

#2. Floss Daily

Did you know that about 33% of Americans don’t floss? Yikes! This essential oral hygiene habit not only removes debris from between your teeth, but it also cleans along the gumline. In fact, brushing alone only cleans about 60% of the surface of your teeth – flossing is necessary for a truly complete clean. Fortunately, if you’re no longer in the habit of flossing, there is no time like the present to start!

#3. Attend Each Follow-up Orthodontic Appointment

With a long list of to-dos, countless errands to run, or a full work schedule, it can be tempting to find excuses to skip your follow-up visits. However, these appointments allow your orthodontist to oversee your treatment, monitor the movement of your teeth, and make adjustments as needed. (Note: visiting your dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning should also be on your list of to-dos).

#4. Wear Any Additional Appliances Accordingly

Rubber bands and retainers are just two orthodontic appliances that help on your journey to achieving and maintaining your perfectly aligned smile. Naturally, one of your resolutions should be to wear them according to your orthodontist’s instructions. If you have any questions or need a replacement, don’t hesitate to ask!

With a fresh start, there is no time like the present to implement good habits. If you have braces, then the above resolutions are a great place to start!

About the Practice

At Super Braces of Southbridge, one of our core goals is to provide super value. One of the many ways we do that is by prioritizing patient education! We love helping those in our treatment chair set resolutions that will benefit their braces and, in turn, their smiles. If you have questions about your braces or are interested in starting orthodontic treatment, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our knowledgeable team via our website or by phone at 508-909-6719.

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