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Trivia Time! 4 Interesting Facts About Braces

October 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 7:54 pm
Closeup of woman with dental braces smiling

With thousands of patients getting braces each year, there is no denying the popularity of traditional orthodontics. However, when you think about it, how much do you really know about this teeth-straightening treatment? To test your knowledge, keep reading for four fun facts about braces!

Fact #1: We Can Thank NASA for Modern Braces

It’s no secret that traditional braces utilize metal, but have you ever thought about the complexity behind it? After all, it has to maintain its shape when bent and place just enough pressure on your teeth to guide them into an entirely new position. This state-of-the-art technology was created by NASA! Although it was originally going to be used on spaceships, the metal alloy is now responsible for helping people address crooked, spaced-out, and otherwise misaligned teeth.

Fact #2: Braces Don’t Just Benefit the Appearance of Your Smile

Braces are well-known for their ability to effectively address misalignment, creating aesthetically-pleasing smiles. However, investing in orthodontic treatment also benefits the health of your smile. Moving your teeth into a perfect arch removes unique crevices that can harbor food particles, plaque, and bacteria. As a result, your toothbrush and floss will clean your teeth better, reducing your chances of developing dental problems like cavities and gum disease.

Fact #3: Kids & Teens Aren’t the Only Ones Who Can Benefit from Braces

With kids and teens being one of the most popular age groups with braces, it’s not hard to see why so many patients assume that it’s “too late” for adults to straighten their teeth. In reality, braces are ideal for patients of all ages. In fact, adults often do better since they understand the importance of good oral health and are more likely to follow their orthodontist’s instructions to a tee. So, whether you are 35 or 65, don’t hesitate to ask if braces are right for you!

Fact #4: Every Orthodontist Is Also a Dentist

Ever wondered what the difference is between orthodontists and dentists? Basically, it boils down to 2-3 years of post-graduate training in orthodontics! So, while every orthodontist is a dentist, not every dentist is an orthodontist. In fact, less than 10% of American dentists also are orthodontists.

Now you know a bit more about the technology, benefits, and history of metal braces. If you’re interested in straightening your teeth, then don’t wait any longer to get in touch with an orthodontist. By scheduling an appointment today, you’ll be a step closer to your dream smile tomorrow!

About the Practice

With more than a decade of experience, Dr. Jamie Moon is the board-certified orthodontist to trust with your smile goals. Although she achieved her Doctor of Dental Surgery and completed a post-graduate program in orthodontics, she continues to expand her expertise through active memberships with the American Board of Orthodontics, the American Dental Association, and other professional organizations. If you’re interested in learning more about braces or would like to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call 508-909-6719.

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