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Bad Posture, Bad Bite?

August 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 1:43 pm
Woman correcting her posture at her work desk

Be honest; when you’re working at your desk or scrolling through your phone, are you usually slouching? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, some experts have gone as far as to call poor posture a modern-day epidemic. After all, chronic slouching can lead to persistent back pain and damage to the surrounding muscles, joints, and ligaments. But could it also be the culprit of misaligned teeth? Keep reading to learn how posture impacts your bite.

How Posture Impacts Your Bite

Did you know that adult heads typically weigh between 8 and 12 pounds? Therefore, it takes a lot of muscle to keep your head up and in place. When you slouch, your body arches downward from the weight of your head, causing the skull to sit further back on the spinal column. In addition to putting pressure on your back, this exerts force on your jaw, causing misaligned teeth. This problem is exacerbated when combined with teeth clenching/grinding.

4 Tips for Improving Your Posture

If you chronically slouch while driving, working, or just lounging around at home, there are a few ways you can improve your posture, including:

  • Roll your shoulder blades back, lifting your chest.
  • Keep your stomach muscles engaged. (This will take some of the pressure off your back).
  • Be intentional when you’re standing. There should be a straight line from your ears down to your ankles.
  • Set a reminder on your phone to get you in the habit of monitoring your posture throughout the day.

Have Misaligned Teeth? Speak with Your Orthodontist!

Misaligned teeth don’t just take a toll on the appearance of your smile; they also significantly increase your chances of developing dental problems, like cavities and gum disease. Therefore, whether you’re struggling with minor misalignment or severe overcrowding, it’s of the utmost importance that you schedule an appointment with your orthodontist. From there, they can learn about your dental needs and discuss your treatment options. That way, you can enjoy a healthy, properly aligned bite.

Over the years, you may have picked up the habit of slouching. However, with the above tips in your arsenal, it’s not too late to improve your posture and protect your bite!

About the Author

Dr. Jamie Moon is a board-certified orthodontist with more than a decade of experience under her belt. In addition to earning her Doctor of Dental Surgery from the Columbia University School of Dental Medicine, she completed a post-graduate program in orthodontics. Although her education, advanced training, and professional affiliations are impressive, it’s her dedication to her patients and personalized care that truly makes her unique. If you have misaligned teeth, don’t hesitate to get in touch with her via website or by phone at 508-909-6719 to schedule an appointment.

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