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Important Tips for Wearing & Caring for Your Retainer

August 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 1:54 pm
Closeup of patient holding retainers in storage case

Braces aren’t just a monetary investment; they are also an investment in your oral health and overall confidence! That’s why it’s of the utmost importance that you do your part to prevent orthodontic relapse by wearing a retainer. This effective orthodontic appliance helps your teeth “set” in place and prevents them from drifting over the years. To keep yours in pristine condition, here are four tips for caring for your retainers.

Tip #1: Follow All of Your Orthodontist’s Instructions

Once your braces come off, you’ll be asked to wear your retainers for at least 22 hours a day for the first six months. After that, you’ll transition to wearing them less and less, using them solely at night after the first year. Remember, your retainers are the main way to prevent orthodontic relapse. As a result, you’ll be expected to wear them for life.

Tip #2: Clean Your Retainers Daily

Neglected retainers can wreak havoc on your oral health. Therefore, it’s vital that you clean your retainers daily to keep them fresh. Start by brushing them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and some toothpaste each evening. You should also rinse them with warm water after each meal to remove food particles and plaque from building up on the surface. Lastly, soak them regularly in an orthodontist-approved cleaner for a deep clean.

Tip #3: Store Your Retainers in a Protective Case

Unfortunately, many patients get in the habit of wrapping their retainers in a napkin when they eat. As you can imagine, this is a huge reason they are accidentally discarded in the trash. To prevent that from happening, place them in a sturdy storage case during your meals. (Try picking a brightly colored one so you can easily locate them if they are ever misplaced!).

Tip #4: Don’t Eat with Your Retainers

Out of sheer convenience, it can be tempting to eat with your retainers in. However, this can cause their shape to warp or break altogether. Therefore, it’s important that you always remove them during mealtimes. If you are unsure of how to do so without drawing unwanted attention to yourself, go to the nearest restroom and remove them privately.

Retainers are an essential component of keeping your new and improved smile in place. So, make sure to keep the above tips in mind following your orthodontic treatment!

About the Author

For more than a decade now, Dr. Jamie Moon has spent her days helping patients with everything from traditional metal braces to Invisalign. She earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery at Columbia University School of Dental Medicine before completing a 3-year residency in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at New York University. Today, she is a board-certified orthodontist and an active member of notable organizations like the American Association of Orthodontists! If you’d like more tips for caring for your retainer or are interested in getting braces, don’t hesitate to visit her website or give her a call at 508-909-6719.

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