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What Is Dental Wax & Why Is It Used with Braces?

July 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sbsouthbridge @ 3:24 pm
Closeup of orthodontic dental wax for braces

If you’ve ever walked down the oral healthcare aisle at your local grocery store or pharmacy, you’ve probably seen something called dental wax for sale. Or, if you’ve just started braces, your orthodontist may have given you a case of orthodontic wax. If you are unfamiliar with day-to-day life with braces, you may be confused at the idea of putting wax in your mouth! While it may seem strange at first, this material can make all the difference when it comes to making wearing braces more comfortable. Read on as we go over everything you need to know about dental wax and how you can use it during your orthodontic treatment!
